Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Are you affected by the infected?

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome also known as AIDS has infected over 38.6 million people worldwide. As a person living in today's society does that affect you? Unless you are someone who is infected or know someone who is infected the disease doesn't really pertain to you, right? Wrong, the disease is spreading so be aware of your surroundings and stay up to date on any new vaccines available. Do you have any idea how many lives have been taken because of AIDS? Since January of 2006 25 million people have been killed by the virus and there is no cure. In reality how many times a day do you really think about people suffering with AIDS? The poem we read by Dixon shows how unfortunate it is to know someone who suffered from the virus. What more could Ida do besides make that quilt to show her condolences. Is there anything any of us could do? What would you do in today's society to make people aware of how deadly the AIDS virus really is?


Willy B said...

In today’s society there are AIDS commercials on every channel, free condoms around every corner and live examples just houses away. Everyone is at risk but they all have the proper tools and knowledge to avoid it. Things you hear make you avoid first time "bare" sex with the opposite gender. Times are bad but people have to learn and adjust. Some take the warnings seriously and others proceed with reckless regard for life or what I call a "superman" complex. Though it is sad the only thing we can do to save the masses is "inform and pray" or wait for a cure, whenever that’ll be.

rvr11189 said...

Personally I don't think we can do much to help this case, besides donating money. People hear about AIDS all the time and it goes directly to the back of their minds because it hasn't affected them. I fall into this category, or at least I did until one day i met a person who is actually infected with this disease, then it really hit me. So i think if you actually meet someone with this disease, it'll give you a better understanding.

clownin34 said...

Aids is a big deal and has had a lot of effects on our society. It never felt like it affected me because I didnt have to worry bout it or had to deal with it. There is not much you can do about the whole situation other than to donate the help. The more we know the more it may help for us as a nation to try to stop this deadly disease. The poem tried to put a new veiw on things and try to reach out to people and get them to understand the real affect that aids has on people all around the world, infected or not. For now aids has to be dealt with as we go on and people need to pay more attention to how bad it really is so that they can help refrain from being in contact with the disease. Other than that just learn and help out. Try to pay more attention to what the nation is trying to tell us in advance what you must deal with while being around aids. Like the peom there are other ways to become knowlegable about the situation by commercial and different facts that pop up everywhere. They have done their part so we have to step up and help out.

Gildarrious said...

I agree with willy, in that there is not much that the individual can do besides donate and pray. There are more things that we can do as a people though, because we are right now training thousands of young minds to join the fight. There are millions involved here and where there is money there is corruption. Since the start many people have sought to profit from medical research and you have to wonder where the billions generated by this disease truly go. I believe that we could already have a cure out there, and that someone is sitting on it waiting for the "right time". This should not disuade donation, by any means, but just think about it...

thecubbiefann21 said...
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thecubbiefann21 said...

Everyone in the society faces certain kinds of danger, such as automobile-related accident or diseases. I agree willy b that even AIDS is impossible to cure, we can lower the possibility by using those given tools correctly. Frankly, there are not many options for most of people to do with the disease; maybe praying or donating at most. However, I think, at least, our attitude can be changed; they live with eyes glared at them because of public prejudice. Most of us treat and think as if they were criminals, or even unnecessary. In fact, they are just like us, except they have incurable disease. I believe that although we cannot do much towards the situation regarding AIDS, we can definitely develop our attitude towards those who suffer.

Criffy345 said...

I think that the AIDS epidemic is something that is taking a big toll on the world population. I also think it is something that doesn't affect us unless we let it affect us. If we want to be empathetic to AIDS victims we will let it affect us. But if we want to shy away from it, then it wont cross our minds. I think that most people take caution if there is a possibility of getting AIDS but there is always a chance. I think that it is very important to be a supporter of finding a cure for AIDS, because many of the people with the disease contracted it through birth or through sex or drugs, and it could've been you or me instead of them which is why we should help. I think that the government is not doing enough to help AIDS victims and that it should donate more money and time to benefit those with the disease.