Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The college life

Since we did not have class this week and there is nothing to base my blog on I decided to ask how hard or easy was it for you to adjust to the college life? What did you have to change or not change about yourself and what changes do you still have to make to be a successful college student? Also what do you like or not like about NIU?


burningducttape said...

College wasn't too hard to adjust to. After getting into the swing of things and meeting some people things became easy. I didn't really change anything. I still dress and act the same. What i do have to change is my study habits. I have to study more because all I do now is study before a test and that is only a little. So far i've liked NIU and hope it just gets better from here.

wishyouwerehere said...

The adjustment to college was somewhat hard for me. It was hard because I was alone for the first time without my friends. But I got used to it, I made new friends, and I have kept in touch with my friends from high school. One thing that I have had to do more of in college, is homework. Homework takes up a lot of my time, but I guess that’s why I am here. So far NIU has been a new experience for me, that I hope to learn a lot from.

Gildarrious said...

College was not particularly hard to grow accustomed to; most of it was just realizing that your teachers do not care at all. In high school, you knew that even your hardest teachers needed to keep the class average within the bell curve. This lack of care is both a blessing and a bane but it takes some getting used to. Also, it seems that every assignment takes longer, and is plain harder than anything found in high school. It is a challenge that i will rise to, but right now i still have to remind myself to actually reserve some time to do my homework!

Criffy345 said...

Since we did not have class this week and there is nothing to base my blog on I decided to ask how hard or easy was it for you to adjust to the college life? What did you have to change or not change about yourself and what changes do you still have to make to be a successful college student? Also what do you like or not like about NIU?

Adjusting to the college life has been easy because not many aspects of my life have been changed. The only thing different is that I have to walk everywhere but I go to fewer classes and have to do my laundry. At the begining class was easier but it is getting harder. Having more resources at hand such as the rec center or study sessions has helped me become more acquainted at NIU. NIU has been fun so far but there is so much more out there that im sure I will transfer sometime.

RoSe118 said...

College life is so far so good! Procrastination has been my downfall and I think it will continue to be until I catch up!! Which will hopefully be soon. Other than that NIU seems to be what I expected. Although I know quite a few people who are transfering out next semester. Hopefully college life will grow on me and I will adjust quickly!